Walking in Victory

The Time is Now

By on July 8, 2013

There is a new global trend. Women are on the rise. Currently, there are more female presidents in Africa and elsewhere, than there ever has been. Today, we have an unprecedented number of women (13) in Nigeria’s federal cabinet, up from 0 in 1992. Also, for the first time in American history, women constitute the majority of the workforce. More than 50% of managers today are female. Even what used to be a typically male dominated terrain, the technology industry, is witnessing an upsurge of women in top management positions; Ginni Rometty is CEO of IBM, Meg Whitman of HP, Marissa Mayer of Yahoo, Sheryl Sandberg is COO of Facebook, Padmasree Warrior is Chief Technology and Strategy Officer of CISCO Systems. In China, more than 40% of private businesses are run by women.  Women in poor parts of India are learning English faster than their male counterparts and filling slots in new global call centers quicker. This is an important societal shift.

Experts are reaching a near consensus: the attributes needed to forge ahead in the postindustrial economy – emotional intelligence, open communication, the ability to sit still and focus – are more suited to women. Of course gender equality in public service and the marketplace still has a distance to cover, but the truth is, there are more opportunities for business and career success for women than there ever was at any moment in human history. Today, the glass ceiling is more myth than reality. Woman, this is your time. No matter where you are in the world, you can live out your potential.

t’s no longer news that the global economy is struggling to re-enact the prosperity it experienced preceding the global financial crisis of 2008. What is news, and good, is that God is raising Esthers across the globe; from Africa to Europe, from Asia to America, more and more women are rising up to play critical roles in the world’s socio-economic and political landscape.  This is not discounting the critical role of men, but it is acknowledging that the conditions that kept many women from maximizing their potentials are giving way, and therefore more women can bring their capacities to bear on complex human problems, in complementary effort with men. Yes, there are growing opportunities for women to step in and make a difference, the elements are aligning, the angels are stirring the waters, it’s your time, step in.

This is not the time to sit on your ideas waiting for elusive opportunities; this is the time to launch out. This is the time to make your move. If you are a career woman, this is the time to bring all your skills, effort and attributes to bear. This is the time to seek out credible women who are proving themselves out there, for mentorship. And if you have been privileged to run ahead, then this is the time to reach behind you and lend a hand to inspiring young women who need guidance. You are here now, with what you know and what you have, for such a time as this. Carpe diem!

Now it takes insight to observe positive trends and ride on the crest wave of the possibilities they present, and this is where you have the advantage. You have the Holy Spirit. You only need to lean on Him like never before. He will open your eyes to unusual opportunities and drape you with the favour you need to seize them.  And speaking of favour, it’s still our month of Supernatural Favour. God is not through with us yet. He will surround you with favour as with a shield (Psalm 5:12), indeed the time to favour you has come (Psalm 102:13). Our theme scripture for the month remains Psalm 5:12. We only need to stand fast in the Lord, in prayer and Bible study, and we only need to confess the Word, expecting God to come through for us, in Jesus’ name!

As always, I am eager to hear your testimonies. Again, if you require counselling or want us to prayerfully agree with you. Do send me a mail at pastortaiwo@tfolc.org. I encourage you to visit our
websites; www.thewomanleader.orgwww.ruthandboaz.orghttp.homeaffairs.tfolc.org for other women related issues.

God bless you.
Pastor Taiwo Odukoya



Taiwo Odukoya
Lagos, Nigeria

Taiwo Odukoya, petroleum engineer, author and senior pastor of The Fountain of Life Church, is an expert on leadership and relationship issues.

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