Walking in Victory

2013: The Unfolding of an Enigma – You

By on January 9, 2013

Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. Isaiah 60:1

Every New Year brings with it a general expectation of something new; something better. We come into each New Year expecting significant improvements and changes in our marriages, in the lives of our children, in our business, and careers.

Also, we come into the New Year with renewed commitments to effect changes in our character. This is why we set goals and make resolutions. In fact, the tradition of goal setting and New Year resolutions dates far back to pre-Christian eras, beginning with the early Babylonians who welcomed the New Year with sacrifices to their gods and resolutions to give back all they have borrowed. It was the Romans who began marking the New Year in January, naming the month after their two faced god Janus, who looks backward into the old year and forward into the New Year. They marked New Year celebrations by festivities and resolutions to be good to others. So yes, the New Year is about new beginnings and positive changes, and it is in this spirit I wish you, a happy New Year.

Be assured that the changes you desire this year will be fulfilled, in Jesus name! However, there is a role you must play.

A 2007 study by Richard Wisemen from the University of Bristol involving 3,000 people showed that 88% of those who set New Year resolutions fail,despite the fact that 52% of the study’s participants were confident of success at the beginning. I am certain you will be part of the 12% who purportedly go ahead to meet and surpass their goals and resolutions. Why? You have a divine mandate.

The Lord has given us a theme for this year: Supernatural Manifestation. What this means is simple: Hitherto you have had desires and you have pursued them, sometimes to no avail, but this year you will have results.

It doesn’t matter where you have failed in the past or what obstacles you will confront, God will come through for you. His active involvement in your affairs will produce tangible outcomes. This might sound mysterious to some and far-fetched for others, but God will empower you to actualize all you have set your hearts to, as they conform with His will.

This does not pre-suppose a slothful attitude. Of course diligence will be required of you, but not outside the grace of God. Paul said, “His grace toward me was not in vain; but I labored more abundantly than they all, yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me” (1 Corinthians 15:10). Don’t you think it will be wise to depend on God like never before this year? To study His Word with renewed commitment and to allow the Holy Spirit guide and lead you into greatness?

At few moments in human history has the world been in such dire need of people of noble aspirations and heroic exploits; at few moments in human history as the world been in need of Christians – you. Yes darkness covers the earth, but you will shine forth this year. This is the year that God is raising you up as a model of human conduct and achievement in every sphere of life. This is the year of your manifestation.

What other men struggle to accomplish, you will accomplish with ease. Where they give in to base human nature, you will manifest unusual restraint. The truth is, by divine birth you are a riddle, an enigma, a prodigy. Out of your spirit shall flow, rivers of living water. This will manifest in your home, your business, and career. You will be a solution to human problems. You have the Spirit of the living God resident in your spirit. You cannot but manifest. Arise! Shine!

I encourage you to meet the year with faith and expectation. You do well to expect new things; achievements and manifestations without precedent in your life. But know that God is able to do exceedingly above all you expect, according to His power in you. You will manifest, in Jesus name! I eagerly expect your testimonies.

If you require counseling or want us to prayerfully agree with you; do send me a mail at pastortaiwo@tfolc.org. I encourage you to visit our websites; blog.pastortaiwoministries.comwww.thewomanleader.orgwww.ruthandboaz.orghttp.homeaffairs.tfolc.org for other women related issues. Welcome to the New Year.

God bless you.

Pastor Taiwo Odukoya



Taiwo Odukoya
Lagos, Nigeria

Taiwo Odukoya, petroleum engineer, author and senior pastor of The Fountain of Life Church, is an expert on leadership and relationship issues.

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